The O.C – Representation of Men

March 16, 2009 at 5:08 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , )

The O.C, a pivotal point in many teens live during its 4 season span.  I remember first hearing about this famed show, after its first season.  I didn’t much care for teen drama shows, and therefore wasn’t interested in watching its premier season, however after much insisting on the part of my friends I began to watch the second season.  Eventually I was hooked, and remained hooked for seasons 2 and 3.  After Marissa died, it all went down hill (a major jumping of the shark occurred), and I barely paid any attention to season 4.  Reading chapter 38 brought back many memories of the beloved television show.

Two of the main characters are touched upon, when examining the roles of men and the way they are portrayed within TV shows.  Ryan, the brooding, handsome kid from the wrong side of the tracks, represents hegemonic masculinity.  This type of masculinity is the most important within the patriarchal culture.  Seth, the cute, science geek represents complicit masculinity.  This type of masculinity “does little to challenge the patriarchal gender order, thereby enjoying its many rewards”.

Two conspicuously absent or underrepresented types of masculinity within the OC are marginalized and subordinate.  Marginalized means men of a different race (other than white) and men with disabilities.  While race is addressed very sparingly within dialogue, or characters that appear for less than a minute in a scene, men with disabilities are completely absent.  When there is a character of a different race within a scene, they often only personify a stereotype of the culture.

Subordinate masculinity represents men who are effeminate or gay.  This type of masculinity is at the very bottom of the hierarchy.  The only real representation of this type of masculinity is Luke’s father, who we find out is gay in the first season.  The other representation is Luke’s anti-homosexual remarks (he is uncomfortable with his fathers sexuality).

When gay characters are represented within TV shows and movies, they are often represented as a stereotype.  They usually personify many misconceptions of the gay community.  For example, when characters on TV shows talk about someone who is gay, they usually assume that they are feminine.  They put a pitch to their voice, flounce around, etc.  While this is the way some homosexual men behave, it is not an accurate portrayal of all gay men.  Many gay men behave just as any heterosexual man would, they just prefer men to women as sexual partners and lovers.  Characters often assume that gay men enjoy everything the women do, nice clothes, food, shopping, hair, etc. however, once again, this is not necessarily the case.  The gay community is completely and totally underrepresented within mainstream TV. 

While I do agree with this analysis of the OC and its clear lack of homosexual and racially different men, I don’t think the creators of the OC ever meant the show to be analyzed so.  It is a soapedy, part comedy, part soap opera.  It was created, not to make a statement, but to provide teens and young adults with an hour of entertainment every week.  It is supposed to be popular, with attractive stars, and watched enough to sell good ad time.  Therefore, although the show clearly lacks a dynamic representation of men, it is still an enjoyable show with (in my opinion) purely an entertainment purpose.



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Women & Television (Young & Old)

March 15, 2009 at 10:01 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , )

I had never thought about how older women were portrayed in the media before reading chapter 36 of the Media Literacy book. 

In Bewitched, Endora is the older woman of the series.  She is Samantha’s mother and is also a witch.  Her character does not approve of Samantha’s husband, Darrin, nor does she approve of the fact that Samantha is attempting to live a “mortal” life.   In the show Endora is portrayed as being ecce2ntric and her “grotesque by comparison” to her daughter.  Her clothing is strange, as well as her choice of makeup and especially her mannerisms.   A big thing that this section of the chapter examines is the fact that men are not supposed to be attracted to Endora, she is the mother figure, the older woman, the crazy uninhibited older woman.

Its remarkable how much women’s roles have changed throughout the past 50 years.  Women are now prominent figures in many previously male dominated careers.  Although we are continuously making huge strides in women’s rights throughout the world, television shows and movies continuously depict women in stereotypical “women’s roles”.  Family oriented TV shows and movies continuously show the mother in the kitchen, driving kids around, etc.  While it is up to the man to make the money and provide for the family.

When women are portrayed as career oriented and driven, they are often ostracized.  Shows like Lipstick Jungle and Cashmere Mafia are about women in business with strong and prosperous careers.  However, while they succeed in their careers, they are often depicted in dysfunctional relationships, or unable to have a relationship.  The reason for these dysfunctional relationships is often because the men (or women) in the relationship feel as though the career woman is too work oriented.  Women are not allowed to put their career’s first.  Women are expected to put their families and significant others before their careers.  When a woman does put her career first, she is seen as different and abnormal.

In chapter 36 the character of Samantha is examined in respect to her role as the lead of the show as well as a woman within the show.  For example, she is a witch and therefore could easily use her magical abilities to clean the house in a second.  Although she has this ability, Samantha decides to perform these household chores the “mortal way”, believing this is what the “typical mortal woman” would do.  Samantha also tries not to use her natural magical gifts, as Darrin, her husband, does not like it.  Darrin wants to be a normal family and for Samantha to perform her normal matronly duties.  She is prescribing to the ideal that the man is the head of the household, and he expects certain things. 

Bewitched allowed its female viewers to really think about their prescribed place within the family.  It allowed these women to, for 30 minutes a day, live outside of their typical life.  Thankfully women today no longer need this television escape, they can live independent lives.


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Exploring Media – Digital Self Portrait

March 15, 2009 at 1:35 pm (Uncategorized)

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Girl Power! – Cartoon Network & Spice Girl Style

March 12, 2009 at 1:29 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , )

A Positive message meant to instill confidence, a sense of self and security in every girl.  It is meant to ensure that as women, we remember that we have the power to instill change and overcome difficulties.  It is especially relevant to, women who are, I guess, at the age that they would be refered to as girls (I am guessing elementary, middle and some of high school).  The three cartoons that the book talks about are on Atomic Betty, Powerpuff Girls and Totally Spies, all on the Cartoon Network.

Each of these shows are examples “mass-mediated girl power”, each of the characters have two identities.  Atomic Betty, the Powerpuff Girls (Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles) and the Spies are all “typical” girls leading “typical” lives.  However, when they are called by the higher powers, they must go and usually need to save the world. 

These girls/cartoons all represent the third wave of feminism.  This third wave emerged in the 1990’s.  Third wave feminism is a more historically and culturally influenced notion of feminism and femininities.  It “contends that the female identity is made complicated through parodic and irreverent representations.” 

I will admit that when I was younger I watched Powerpuff Girls and Totally Spies, however, Atomic Betty was a show that came out when I had surpassed the age that any cartoon that wasn’t lewd was unacceptable.  Therefore the only two shows that I really know much about are the spies and power puffs.  And I know that each of these shows encourages a strong sense of power for your girls.  However, these shows also encourage consumerism among these young impressionable girls. Basically, to be a pro-girl-power type of girl, you have to purchase the goods.  Things such as things that are basically the female version of typical male items.  Things like toy guns, trucks (which come pink, pretty, ie: girly), spy gear, etc.  It is extremely difficult to walk into a toy store without being bombarded by some sort of girl-power targeted merchandise.

My favorite representation of Girl Power were/are the Spice Girls.  They came before Atomic Betty, Totally Spies and Powerpuff Girls, and obviously are not cartoon characters (although they would make an excellent show…which I would have watched….) Anyway, the Spice Grils, for my generation, represented sexy, butt kicking women who were able to take care of themselves.  I was absolutely in love with the girl power group.  For my 8th or 9th birthday (I don’t remember which one) I had a Spice Girl themed party, and even went so far as to have my hair done like baby at my hair dressers.

I loved everything about them, I loved their dancing, their clothes, their attitudes and of course their outrageous “names”.  They were a group of girls for girls, their message of Girl Power appealed to a world of eager young female consumers.  I will also admit that I spent money on the Spice Girls.  I bought their CD’s, their merchandise, I still remember one Easter I opened up a present and found a Baby Spice doll!  (That was a great Easter!)  I can also remember wanting to buy platform shoes, and eventually convinced my mother to purchase a shiny pair of silver ones.  If you can recall (or just look at the picture of them I added) the Spice Girls were always sporting the highest and most trendy of platform footwear.

I definitely agree with the positive message of Girl-Power, and believe that it is an incredibly important part of any young girls life.  However, I do not agree with using this idea as a marketing ploy.  I applaud the brains behind that idea, yet I don’t think that the tools to improve a young girls sense of self should need to be purchased.



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